Will the Real Joe Biden Please Stand Up?
A “Crazy” Conspiracy Theory to Start Conversations This Weekend
Let’s face it: you can find some crazy stuff on the internet. I came across something last night I had to share with you guys.
Do with it what you will.
I’m not here to endorse or debunk. Your body, your brain, your choice I say.
Here we go into the world of the weird..
Which Joe Biden is the real Joe Biden?
Weird right?
This photo can lead you down a rabbit hole if you’ll let it.
Check out this Twitter thread where a few users offered their opinions and “evidence” of Joe Biden using body doubles.
Another one of my favorite obscure Twitter accounts, Just Loki, added to the fire.

Again, I’m not telling you that this is legit or that is crazy. Honestly I don’t care, I just think it’s worthy of passing along for a laugh if nothing else.
It is weird though.
Could Joe Biden be using body doubles? As a security measure it wouldn’t be the craziest thing in the world.
Could all of these photos be the same guy? Sure.
Is Joe Biden on his death bed and this is some weird Deep State Weekend at Bernie’s PSYOP?
I’ll leave it up to you.
Either way, it’s certain to spark a few interesting conversations with the right crowd!